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Hollow Knight Notch Locations

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Hollow Knight Notch Locations

hollow knight notch locations, hollow knight charm notch locations

Overcharmed Hollow KnightSteam Community :: Guide :: [Spoiler Safe:] Complete Charm Collection (…Steam Community :: Guide :: [Spoiler Safe:] Complete Charm.. Take the exit at the top to the right of the station to enter the Fungal Wastes. Click

hollow knight notch locations

You can get there from Greenpath by taking the exit shown in the map below Fog CanyonHead straight down, avoiding the large jellyfish if you can because they shoot a fireball at you if you kill them.. Fungal Wastes. Inside the Queens Station youll find a Bench and Stag Station, as well as a Mask Shard but youll need the Mantis Claw before you can reach it.. Hollow Knight Pale Ore Locations Even though you do not need Pale Ore for your first upgrade of Nail Weapon, the subsequent ones will require an increasing number of Pale Ores so it is essential. Click

Wayward Compass A single notch is required when you approach Iselda in Dirtmouth after your.. Hollow Knight All Charm Notch LocationsBack to Hollow KnightFungal WastesTo get to the Fungal wastes youll need to take a quick trip through Fog Canyon. 3

The small jellyfish are pretty harmless At the bottom go right and then down to the bottom of the next cavern. 773a7aa168 Click

The exit to Fungal Wastes is at the bottom to the right Queens StationThe Queens Station connects Fog Canyon with the Fungal Wastes.